Matthias A. Struck

Focus Areas

Data Use/Protection


Matthias Alexander Struck provides legal advice in all areas of intellectual property law, as well as in IT and data protection. He focuses on accompanying complex and cross-border M&A transactions with regard to the implications relevant to IP/IT and data protection law. In addition to that, a core component of his legal advice consists of drafting licensing and distribution agreements.


Mr. Struck studied law at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and the University of Cambridge in England. The law of international trade was at the core of his law program. After completing his degree, during his clerkship he was a research assistant in the practice group for property and information technology at a large law firm in Hamburg. He completed his clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, with time spent at, interalia, a large international law firm in Hamburg and New York focusing on transactional law in the IP/IT field. He has been an attorney at KPNZ since March 2018.

