Dr. Enno ter Hazeborg

Focus Areas

Data Use/Protection


Enno ter Hazeborg advises and represents international corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups in all areas of IT law, data protection law as well as in all areas of intellectual property and copyright law. One of his main focuses is the support of complex M&A transactions with regard to IP/IT and data protection law. In addition, he specializes in drafting contracts in these areas and in advising companies on the implementation of data protection regulations and the protection of intellectual property.


Enno ter Hazeborg studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg and the Humboldt University of Berlin with a focus on intellectual property law. In addition to his legal clerkship at the Kammergericht Berlin, he studied computer science at the Humboldt University of Berlin. After completing his clerkship, he worked part-time for a renowned law firm in Berlin while completing his doctorate. In this law firm, he initially worked as a research assistant and since 2018 as a lawyer in the areas of IP/IT and data protection law. Enno ter Hazeborg started working for KNPZ in August 2019.

